Sermon Title: Wisdom – Guiding Light
Worship service date: Sept 23, 2018
Interim Pastor Thomas Hiltsley
Primary Bible verse:
James 3:13-18
Key sermon points:
James encourages us to listen, hear, and do the Word.
Double-mindedness is cause of damaging conversation.
James chapter 3 confronts double-mindedness in the Christian’s communication.
What needs to happen in our hearts so that what our tongues speak, or our fingers text is healing and creative NOT distressing and destructive?
James answers:
“The meekness of wisdom.”
- Key words to identify the components of Spirit-implanted wisdom.
Wise words are:
- Pure
- Peaceable
- Gentle
- Full of mercy and good fruits
- Impartial
- Free of hypocrisy
“Out of the believer’s heart will flow rivers of living water,” – Jesus (John 7:38)