Sermon Title: The Lord is Risen Indeed!”
Worship service date: April 21, 2019 – Easter
Interim Pastor Thomas Hiltsley
Primary Bible verses:
Matthew 28:1-10
John 20:1-9
Key sermon points:
All around the world this morning people have gathered:
- To embrace each other
- To greet each other in the all-powerful name of our One Risen Lord and Savior
- To celebrate our common gift of everlasting life in Jesus’ Resurrection
It is our turn:
The Lord is Risen!
He is Risen indeed!
In our celebration the Lord would:
- Make the light of His Resurrection dawn upon each of us once again
- Cause His own living Resurrected presence and authority to shine from each of our lives
- Radiate the life-giving love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit from our Church
What can we take away from our Resurrection Sunday celebration?
- The ringing affirmation of the ancient greeting
Ringing in our ears: all day, all week, all year, all life-long:
- Embrace the Resurrection of Jesus
- Embrace the Person of the Risen Christ
- Embrace the Resurrection Community
This is all yours for the asking because Jesus rose from the dead. Allow Resurrection Life to shine in every facet of your life in order that we might live together in Stoneham in the bonds of Calvary’s love, in the power of Christ’s resurrection and in the newness of life everlasting to the Glory of God.