Sermon Title: Generosity is Not Optional
Worship service date: November 18, 2018
Interim Pastor Thomas Hiltsley
Primary Bible verses:
Luke 12:18-31
Key sermon points:
Who or what – really – is in control of our lives? 5 Practical Consideration for Keeping our live Christ Centered.
- God owns it all.
- Lord Jesus must oversee and direct everything and every decision of our lives.
- These first two principles are foundational. They must be functioning in our lives before the others will make any practical sense to us.
- The Lord will instruct and guide in every area of life, especially in material stewardship and giving. A Tithe is a basic first adjustment – not magic or legalism; simple, practical, instructional life alignment.
- In addition to the Tenth (tithe) which is foundational – :
- Generosity is required of Kingdom citizens.
- It is a defining character trait of the King
- It is a primary value for all Kingdom assets
- “Proportionate giving” – “as the Lord has prospered you” is a New Testament guideline
- “Sacrificial giving” is encouraged
- We are instructed to give in 3 areas
- A tithe seems to be intended for the advancement of local Christian Church ministries and missions
- Our generosity is appropriate to support members of our own needy families
- All Christians are instructed to give generously to the poor
1st within the world-wide Christian Church
Also to any who are hungry or destitute.
“What you do reveals what you believe about God regardless of what you say.” Henry Blackaby