Sermon Title: The Tongue
Worship service date: Sept 16, 2018
Interim Pastor Thomas Hiltsley
Primary Bible verse:
James 3
Key sermon points:
James encourages us to listen, hear, and do the Word. Double-mindedness is cause of damaging conversation.
James chapter 3 confronts double-mindedness in the Christian’s communication:
- Words have power to do good or evil, harm or heal. (Think speech, FaceBook, Twitter, etc.)
- Words can ignite a conflagration within a person’s mind or within a community.
- “A small rudder controls a large ship.”
- God’s Word = chart and compass
- Holy Spirit = Pilot / Captain
- Our mind / heart = helmsman
- Tongue / words (speech, text, FB, etc.) = rudder
“Out of the believer’s heart will flow rivers of living water,” – Jesus (John 7:38)