Sermon Title: Ready for Christmas – Necessity of Repentance
Worship service date: December 9, 2018
Interim Pastor Thomas Hiltsley
Primary Bible verses:
John 1:11
Luke 3:1- 20
Isaiah 7:15
Key sermon points:
Are you ready for Christmas?
“He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” John 1:11
All of the Hebrew prophets – including John the Baptist and Jesus – declared the necessity of Repentance as preparation for the coming of the Presence of God.
- Old Testament – Hebrew word for Repentance means primarily “to sigh, groan, lament or grieve over one’s doings.”
- New Testament – Greek word for Repentance means primarily “to change one’s mind about anything” … such a change of mind that a change of behavior results.
OT and NT agree regarding Repentance:
- Repentance brings a change of heart and life.
- Real repentance is never a popular notion.
There are some essential steps that we can take to facilitate and express our repentance. We will review these next week.