Sermon Title: Love 2 – A Resurrection Affection
Worship service date: June 16, 2019
Interim Pastor Thomas Hiltsley
Primary Bible verses:
Romans 8:26-39
1st Corinthians 13
Key sermon points:
“Love from the center of who you are, don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil, hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply, practice playing second fiddle.” (Rom 12:9) The Message.
The Love spoken of in the New Testament is primarily characterized by the Greek word AGAPE unconditional, unmerited love based on the character of the one loving, not on the merit of the loved one.
Jesus commanded Love in the Upper Room and made it possible after the Resurrection through the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Five truths about Love in the Resurrection Community – “Resurrection Affection”.
(1st 2 06/02/2019, remaining 3 6/16/2019)
- God loves you unconditionally.
- You are commanded to love God and neighbor.
Continued from Sunday June 2
- You cannot Love in your own strength.
“Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
- You can Love with God’s Love.
“we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy spirit to fill our hearts with his love” (Rom 5:5, TLB)
- You Love by Faith.
We know that God has commanded us to love. We also know He promised in 1 John 5:14-15 that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears and will answer us. So we ask according to His command (which is His will). And then we receive His love by faith according to His promise.